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  Italian to English

English To Italian Translator

English To Italian Online Translator tool is free software provided by us. This tool provides various features such as Transliteration, Toggle, save and print. We all know in today's fast pacing world how much important role Translators play, In our everyday life everyone, whether he is a student, doctor, engineer or scientist at one point in life, requires to translate one language from another for that purpose we designed this Translator so that anyone without least bit of difficulty or confusion can use this translator. This tool is made after intensive research and testing so we can provide speedy, accurate and glitch-free services. This online tool is free of cost to use and will remain so in future all you need a reliable internet connection so that you can access this website. This tool is very effective in all types of translation whether it be a paragraph, a sentence or a few words. After globalization, no one can afford to ignore communicating with the world whether it is for business purpose or academics or other hobbies. We all know how much effective technique is knowing other cultures or traveling around the world, the same effectiveness ensues when we communicate with people from different countries it helps expand our brain. This online tool is being updated daily and getting benefited by continuing research in fields of linguistics by scientists around the world. This tool uses Google's API "Translation" which is the most trusted and authoritative provider of Translation services.

English To Itallian Language

Fundamentals of English To Italian Translation Tool

Developing any translation tool is a very complex and tiresome process which involves a vast array of knowledge in any two languages such as grammatical differences, semantics, syntax, morphology etc. and even after that writing, an algorithm which can incorporate this broad knowledge and can be updated later is a very intricate and complicated procedure. So, sometimes it is possible that the Translator is unable to deliver error-free result but we hope as time passes it will become as accurate as it could be.

Various Features of Translation Tool

  • First of all this online translation tool is free of cost so anybody can use it without spending a dime.
  • This online tool has the feature of transliteration embedded in it which is useful when you don't know how to type any language in its script for it will convert it into any language script automatically all you have to do is type the text content not copy and paste it.
  • There is a restriction of how many characters you can type which is imposed by google itself. Whereas many websites have an upper limit of 500 characters this translator permits you to translate as many as 2000 characters in one operation. Other than that Google also imposes day limit which is the number of trials you can pursue during a day.
  • This online tool permits you to download your translated text as .doc file and let you directly print it from printer other than that it has toggle feature which is a key between both windows by pressing it you will be able to change the language in English To Italian Translator.

How to Use this Translation Tool

This Translation tool is very easy to use all you have to do is just type your content or copy and paste it from anywhere in the upper window where English is written on the title bar and press Translate key and within seconds your results will appear in the lower window with title bard Italian. Upper window works as Input window and lower window works as an output window.

Frequently Used Phrases

In English In Italian
the train station La stazione ferroviaria
post office L’ufficio postale
the market Il mercato
the pharmacy La farmacia
the hospital L’ospedale
turn right Gira a destra
turn left Gira a sinistra
It's close by È qua vicino
across from Davanti
behind Dietro
under Sotto
before Prima
past Dopo