Online Typing Test

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English Typing Test
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English Typing Test
English Typing Test
User Name: Not-Set

Your Detailed Typing Test Result
Method 1:
English typing test [ net speed formula M2]
ND / 48.00
Net Speed
Gross Speed ND / 1200
Accuracy 48.00
Total Entries 4
Total Errors 48
Error Rate 48
Backspace Pressed 48.00
Test Duration 48.00
Method 2:
English typing test [ gross speed formula M1 ]
ND / 14400
Net Speed
Gross Speed ND / 1200
Accuracy 56.46
Total Entries 5
Full Mistakes [Omission, Addition, Substitution] 5
Half Mistakes [Spelling, Capitalisation, Spacing] 2
Total Mistakes [Full Mistakes + Half Mistakes / 2] 2
Penalty [Total Mistakes x 10] 2
Error Precentage 2
5% Mistakes are ignorable
ND / 14400
Net Speed
Gross Speed ND / 1200
Accuracy 34.86
Ignorable Mistakes 34.86
Net Mistakes [Total Mistakes - Ignorable Mistakes] 34.86
Penalty [Total Mistakes x 10] 34.86
Error Precentage 34.86
Your Typed Paragraph: Full Mistakes RED, Half Mistakes BLUE
Net Speed
  • User Name: Sanjay
  • Correct Entries: 50
  • Incorrect Entries: 99
  • Total Entries: 12
  • Error Rate: 50
  • Accuracy: 99
  • Gross Speed: ND
  • Total Time: ND

Online English Typing Test

We Provide you Fast and accurate tool to test your typing speed in the English Language. This Typing Test is designed with utmost accuracy to deliver great user experience and performance. English is considered International Language in Today's world because of the monopoly of English Language in the World Arena.

How Does English Typing Test Work?

Type as many words as you can within the specified time limit in the Typing Window Typing Tool will show the typing speed in GWPM(Gross Word Per Minute) and NWPM(Net Word Per Minute). After the test is completed you will get your overall performance certificate and be your own judge. If you typed an incorrect word it will be shown in red colour and your speed will decrease accordingly so try to make fewer mistakes. This English Typing Test will show you your typing speed [WPM], accuracy, error rate or incorrectly typed words. In the Progress bar situated below Typing test will show real-time data such as typing speed [WPM], accuracy, Error rate etc. so that you can check your progress. During the English Typing Test, you will get your typing progress as WPM (Word Per Minute) value. English Typing speed counting is based on a generally held method, in which five characters will be counted as a single word. As soon as the time is over you will get your overall performance card so judge your skills accordingly.

Typing Speed Calculation

These Formulas are used to Calculate Speed of Typing Test Accurately. These formulas are considered Standard Formulas for Calculating Speed.

GWPM ( Gross Word Per Minute )

First of all, count how many characters you typed in the test then divide that number by 5 whatever result you get to divide it further by total time in minutes. It will be your Gross Word Per Minute. GWPM Doesn't imply the Error Rate. For example your 100 characters or Keystrokes in a minute then your GWPM would be 100/5=20 (WPM), Gross.

English typing test [ gross speed formula ]

Net Speed (WPM)

Net Word Per Minute is the actual Speed on Which you can Trust completely because it unlike GWPM take into Consideration the Error Rate, in other words, the number of words in which you made Error in a given time slot so, that final Speed will be the outcome of Accuracy and GWPM taken into Deliberation. Suppose your GWPM speed is 20 but you made Error in 5 words so your speed will be 20-5=15 Net Word Per Minute.

English typing test [ net speed formula ]

Error Rate (WPM)

Error Rate is Deduced by Dividing Incorrect entries by Total Time(in Minutes). For Example, you made Error in 10 words in 2 Minutes time Slot so your Error Rate would be 10/2=5 Words.

English typing test [ error rate formula ]

Accuracy (%)

Accuracy is attained by dividing the correct words by total words after that multiply the result with 100 for getting the Percentage. Guess you Made 60 correct insertions out of 120 Total Insertions of words then result Accuracy would be (60/120)*100=50%.

English typing test [ accuracy formula ]

How to Begin English Typing Test?

To start the English typing test, enter your name, select timer and click on the Start button. After a while a test window will emerge, To assess your typing abilities, click on the typing box and type the blue highlighted English word in the box written "click here to start typing" and press SPACE to begin the test so that you can check your progress in real-time. Benefits of using this English typing test is to practice most frequently misspelt words so that you can improve your typing skills and fill the learning gap.

Important note for students preparing for government jobs Typing Exams

  • To crack any typing exams remember to put accuracy before speed if you strive towards speed you would have to compromise with accuracy which is the wrong tendency.
  • Try to remain alert and your spine erect.
  • Maintain Even posture during Typing Test and do not make your palms rest on the keyboard.
  • get away with the looking at the keyboard completely otherwise it will bloom into the incorrect habit and you would never be able to get rid of it.
  • Nails should be cut off beforehand.
  • Trying to remember the keyboard would not help you in the least bit so try to make finger memory.
  • A Good keyboard is gonna help you in great way purchase a good keyboard if you can.

Thought of The Day

Suppose you never ever try to learn to type but you work on PC regularly what is wrong in it. Now calculate without learning to type you will be wasting your precious life hours which could be used on any other work you want to accomplish It is gonna Improve your productivity drastically. Think about it.