Learn Hindi Mangal Font Typing Free Hindi Typing Tutor (Mangal Font)
Inscript Layout | Remington Layout |
योजना = य+ ो+ ज+ न+ ा | योजना = य+ ा+ े+ ज+ न+ ा |
कौन = क+ ौ+ न | कौन = क+ ा+ ै+ न |
आँख = आ+ ँ+ ख | आँख = आ+ ॅ+ ं+ ख |
हॉल = ह+ ॉ+ ल | हॉल = ह+ ा+ ॅ+ ल |
साँप = स+ ा+ ँ+ प | साँप = स+ ा+ ॅ+ ं +प |
आम = आ+ म | आम = अ+ ा+ म |
और = औ+ र | और = अ+ ा+ ै+ र |
ऐरण = ऐ+ र+ ण | ऐरण =ए+ े+ र+ ण |
ऑटम = ऑ +ट+ म | ऑटम = अ+ ा+ ॅ+ ट+ म |
ऊन = ऊ+ न | ऊन = उ+ [Shift+ Q]+ न |
ईरान = ई+ र+ ा+ न | ईरान = इ+ [Shift+ Z]+ र+ ा+ न |
1. Alt + 033 = ! | 18. Alt + 060 = < | 35. Alt + 0148 = ” |
2.Alt + 034 = " | 19.Alt + 061 = = | 36. Alt + 0149 = • |
3. Alt + 035 = # | 20. Alt + 062 = > | 37. Alt + 0150 = – |
4. Alt + 036 = $ | 21. Alt + 063 = ? | 38.Alt + 0151 = — |
5. Alt + 037 = % | 22. Alt + 064 = @ | 39. Alt + 0152 = ˜ |
6. Alt + 038 = & | 23. Alt + 091 = [ | 40. Alt + 0153 = ™ |
7. Alt + 039 = ' | 24. Alt + 092 = \ | 41. Alt + 0154 = š |
8. Alt + 040 = ( | 25. Alt + 093 = ] | 42. Alt + 0155 = › |
9.Alt + 041 = ) | 26. Alt + 094 = ^ | 43. Alt + 0156 = œ |
10. Alt + 042 = * | 27. Alt + 095 = _ | 44. Alt + 0169 = © |
11. Alt + 043 = + | 28. Alt + 096 = ` | 45. ̧Alt + 0184 = ¸ |
12. Alt + 044 = , | 29. Alt + 0123 = { | 46. Alt + 0189 = 1⁄2 |
13.Alt + 045 = - | 30. Alt + 0124 = | | 47. Alt + 0190 = 3⁄4 |
14. Alt + 046 = . | 31. Alt + 0125 = } | 48. Alt + 0215 = × |
15. Alt + 047 = / | 32. Alt + 0145 = ‘ | 49. Alt + 0216 = Ø |
16. Alt + 058 = : | 33. Alt + 0146 = ’ | 50. Alt + 0222 = Þ |
17. Alt + 059 = ; | 34. Alt + 0147 = “ | 51. Alt + 0247 = ÷ |
Mangal font is Hindi Devanagari typeface standardised by Government of India also called Inscript for most of the Indian regional languages in an effort to make it easy to learn different regional languages keyboard layout. Although many old typists still prefer Remington Typeface to Inscript nowadays many government offices typing exams prefer Inscript typeface.
We created this Hindi Typing Test so that you can find out your typing speed, the accuracy with our typing test software. The purpose of creating this typing test was to give you an online application where you can take hindi typing test and get accurate and honest reviews.
First enter your name by clicking in the box where name is written after entering the name move to next option of selecting the time of test select the time of Hindi Typing Test manually, you can select the time from given option of upto 15 minutes. There is one additional option of viewing the layout of Inscript keyboard which no other typing website provides by clicking on the button of view keyboard. Then finally press start button. When you press Start button a Drop-Down window will open where you will find different options such as user name where your name will show on top left, time left on top center etc. In the centre of window different hindi words for typing tests are given below are given options to show real time result statistics of your test. To start the test click on the box where "Type the Highlighted Word" is written.
Word per Mins is the number of words you type within a time period of 60 seconds. Standard of counting words is preset with the typing test program. In rough sketch we can draw that word per mins is the number of words typed within one-minute average.
Errors indicate the number of Characters or keystrokes mistyped by the typist in Hindi Typing Test (Mangal). Suppose you make mistake in 10 words it will show a total number of characters or Total keystrokes in Error.
Accuracy represents the idea of how many words you typed correctly in your test with conversion of data into percentage format. Suppose you typed 10 words out of 100 words your Accuracy would be 10%.
Mistyped words show number of incorrect typed words suppose you made mistake in 10 words your Mistyped Words count would be 10. In nutshell Mistyped Words represents the number of words which possess Inaccuracy in them.
Error rate is Percentage of Error in proportion with total keystrokes or characters. Suppose you made error in 15 keystrokes or characters your error rate would be percentage of 15 characters with respect to total number of characters, in case number of characters are hundred then your Error Rate would be 15%.
Correct Entries are number of words you typed accurately or properly.
Incorrect Entries are number of words you typed Inaccurately or improperly.
Total Entries are number of words you typed whether Incorrect or correct doesn’t matter here.
Gross Speed is the Speed in WPM of your total words typed Inaccurate or accurate doesn’t matter here. It is the comprehensive speed of your typing Test.
Net Speed is the Speed in WPM of your correct words. Here Accuracy of Words matter, Net Speed is the speed of your Accurate or Correct words with respect to total words in test.
Every effort is being made to make this Typing Test accurate, fast, reliable to Improve overall efficiency of any Typist. This Hindi Typing Test will Immensely help those who want to Type in Mangal Inscript Typeface which is very similar to the Typewriter Typeface Inscipt. Words of Hindi in Online Hindi Typing Test (Mangal) are Chosen with Utmost caution to Provide words with the highest frequency of Error chance and Most Frequent words to appear in any Typing Test Whether of Government Exams or of any other Hindi Typing Related job.